Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello January!

January is here!  I hope the new year is already finding all of you well as you are already starving yourselves or in a flurry of a mess trying to organize a room in your home.  I think you deserve a break, so grab a cookie, pull up a seat, and let's see if I can make you feel a little more creative!

January means it is time to kick off my 'winter' theme.  I know, I know, winter officially started in December, but Christmas kind of eats up the whole month for me craft-and-theme-wise (man I love Christmas!), so Winter begins in January around here.  This month brings snow, snowmen, penguins, and so much more!  We are beginning the month with polar bears.  Aiby gets to work on two letters with this one - 'P' and 'B'!  He's so excited!  Our book is, of course, the fabulous, 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?' and cue the plug for my adorable felt pieces:

I can wait while you check out the other goodies in my store.  Go ahead, I'm very patient.  :D

Okay, welcome back.  I use this book and the felt pieces to work on animals, sounds, and colors.  He finds the animal, says what it is, if he remembers the sound he roars it as loud as a lion, and we talk about the animals.  We talk about their colors, where they live, what they eat, and if we've seen them at the zoo before.  And then we repeat this six or seven times because Aiby is nothing if not thorough!  I love this part of having a three year old - he's so inquisitive.  I forget that we aren't just born knowing it all!

Now it's time for the fun stuff - the craft!  What three year old does not like crafts?  We made polar bears.  I just printed an outline of a polar bear, and gave Aiby some choices.  Paint, tissue paper, or cotton balls.  Aiby chose cotton balls, so I handed him the glue and the balls!  I think he just wanted an excuse to use 157 gallons of glue  :)

Something completely spontaneous that we got to tie in with this - ice!  Polar Bears live where is it very cold, and they live in the icy waters.  Well, there is no way I am going to travel that far north, but, we did get some ice in the backyard!  It rained, and water pooled in Aiby's sandbox.  It then got super cold and froze, so we bundled up and did what any intrepid three year old and mommy explorers would do - we poked it.  Aiby's professional observation?  "Oooh, it's cold mommy!"

And, for the letters, I have printed off ABC worksheets from the awesome blog, Confessions of a Homeschooler.  You can find the alphabet links here and here.  I just got a laminator from my AWESOME husband for Christmas, so I will be laminating mine to make sure they last longer.  That way, Aiby can trace them, color them, or use a multitude of different items to make the letter (cereal, sand, buttons, you name it, we will use it!).  For his 'P', Aidan said he wanted to do it on my computer (he is obsessed with clicking and dragging the mouse lately), so I opened it in paint, and let him do his thing.  Well, I stepped in some.  He only wanted Lightning McQueen red, and I did some other color nudging ;)

Okay, it's nap time now, and this momma needs to get back to packing!  We are moving again, and it is bothering me that this house is not packed up and ready yet.  So, our next January adventure posting might be a little delayed, but hang in there, it'll be coming soon.

Keep on playing, mommies/daddies/caregivers.  You are the light of your little ones' lives!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

There was an Old Lady...

See, there she is.  All dressed up and old lady-like.  And she's apparently starving.  Why she just doesn't just mosey on into the kitchen and eat a snack is beyond me.  But anyway, she was hungry so she swallowed....

...a fly!  (along with a spider, bird, cat, dog, cow, and horse)  But you've read the book, so you know this...and how it ends (sorry, no felt piece for that!)  But, since it is the land of make-believe, Grandma was okay and did not learn a lesson, so she also swallowed some...

...leaves!  The Old Lady was feeling very festive and wanted to celebrate the coming of Fall I suppose. 


Swallowed a Bat
Swallowed some Snow

I will update when they have been created!

~Fuzzy Tales~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Circle Time Activities

I do Circle Time every morning with my little guy.  He's not quite three, so it's not a huge to-do, but we cover the calendar basics:  days of the week, months of the year, counting, and today's weather.  I have all of my months set up with a color and a theme.  They are as follows:

January:  White/Winter
February: Pink/Love
March: Green/St. Patricks Day
April: Gray/Easter
May: Yellow/Flowers
June: Purple/Summer
July: Rainbow (color review)/July 4th
August: Blue/Back to School
September: Orange/Fall
October: Black/Halloween
November: Brown/Thanksgiving
December: Red/Christmas

September Calendar Numbers
Anywhoo, let me get on to the good stuff - the felt!  I have a magnetic board that I use with little guy, but all of these would also work on a large felt board.  I have themed calendar names and numbers, then standard day of the week.  Little Guy loves checking the weather and sticking the felt on the board.  It's the little things  :)

What is the weather like today?

Monday, September 17, 2012

And a hobby-turned-store is born!

Hello!  I am creating this blog to follow along with me as I bring my idea of selling my felt story boards to life.  I think reading is THE most important thing that you can do with a child, so why not get them involved?  Make it hands on and interactive so they get to help the story play out?  Sounds like a fun plan to me!  So welcome, pull up a seat, check out my designs, and bring a book to life with the important little one(s) in your life.